MB Key Data allows you to generate keys data (in selected format) from EZS/EIS dump for all kind of Mercedes Benz cars starting from 1997 till 2010 year with Motorola processors, such as: 169, 245, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 219, 220, 240, 215, 230, 199, 171, 164, 463, 251 series, Vito, Vaneo, Sprinter, Vario and others... To exclude the possibility of using this service in criminal and other illegal purposes the results are delayed 12 minutes. Key programming for MB cars have never been easier.
Main benefits of using this service:
You will save a lot of hard work in extracting the ECU and modifying the file or extracting the ESL for resetting it or extracting the ESL for resetting!
It will let your car working with the original configuration, since the key dump that will be used is the original dump of the car!
It is very useful on 7-Gearbox cars since there is no need to extract the gearbox ECU for resetting or later having any kind of problems during the SCN coding!
It is very quick since the job is done in a maximum time of 12 minutes!
You will be sure that you will face no problems while programming or generating any new files!
You will keep the original configuration of the bin file of the EIS (EZS) so you can be sure that the original ordered key from a dealer will also work without any problems!